The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world's largest general scientific society, with over 120,000 members.
They also are the publisher of the well-known scientific journal Science.
As an addition to their diversity themed ads previously run, AAAS asked us to create social ads that showed their support for the LGBTQ+ science community.
After some hesitation and “how are we supposed to show an LGBTQ+ scientist” type questions from the agency, I was happy to present “The Same as Everyone” concept.
AAAS often offers a free t-shirt incentive when becoming a member that matches the campaign theme.
This was the shirt design we came up with for this campaign.
The campaign received a huge response, generating 150 new members just on the first day of launch.
Including the great video response from a member shared to AAAS’s facebook page above.
We even received the below email from the client which really showed me how powerful advertising can be!
These social ads ran on Facebook and Instagram for 4 months. Originally only supposed to run for 1 month.
All ads led back to the AAAS landing page where they could learn more and sign up to become a member.